Thursday, January 13, 2011

Homework 1-12-11


Clear (paint) & urethane & Paint reducer
When the three were put together they mixed, it spread out and started to jell up.  After 1 hour it hardened.
Clear & urethane
When I put down the urethane it spread out very thin and evaporated quickly.  When I put down the clear it formed a droplet on the plastic, I then added urethane and it started to jell up.  They mixed together to form a new substance.
plastic adhesive & dish soap
The plastic adhesive was irredecent in color by itself.  When I added the dish soap they mixed together and turned white.

primer Activatior & K-36
When these two substances were added together they did not mix at all.  They actually separated from each other and spread out.
Laundry soap & Glass cleanner
When these two substances were added together they stayed together and spread out on the tin.
Candle wax & Paint reducer
I rubbed the wax on the tin and it formed a thin layer on the tin.  I then added the paint reducer and it ran off the wax quickly and spread out thin over the tin.

Hot Sauce & Coke
I first put down the hot sauce it formed a circle and a small dome.  When I added the coke the hot sauce separated into small particles that you could see floating in the coke.  The coke was bubbling and you could see the hot sauce floating in the coke.  The coke spread out much more than the hot sauce.
Tomato juice & Brandy
The tomato juice spread out some.  When the brandy was added a really cool thing happened.  The tomato juice particles started moving like there was little bugs inside of it for about 20 seconds.  Then it stopped. 
Homemade syrup & Half & Half
The syrup spread a little and little bubbles formed in a cluster int eh middle of the syrup.  When I added the half & half it stayed inside the syrup circle.  It did not mix.  The bubbles in the middle of the syrup crystalized.  The outside ring had lines with bubbles on the ends spreading away from the center.It was really neat!
Lime juice & Half & Half
The lime juice spread out a little to about 2 1/2 inches then I added half & half.  It clouded and separated where it met the lime juice.  Cloudy areas formed around the half & halt edges.  The half & half stayed in the shape of a circle where ever I poured it.

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